Blazor | ComponentOne
C1.Blazor.Grid Assembly / C1.Blazor.Grid Namespace / GridDateTimeColumn Class / Refresh Method / Refresh(GridRowColType,Int32) Method
The type of row to refresh
The index of the row to refresh. If -1 is set all the cells will be refreshed.

In This Topic
    Refresh(GridRowColType,Int32) Method
    In This Topic
    Refresh the cells in the column.
    Public Overloads Sub Refresh( _
       ByVal rowType As GridRowColType, _
       Optional ByVal row As Integer _
    public void Refresh( 
       GridRowColType rowType,
       int row


    The type of row to refresh
    The index of the row to refresh. If -1 is set all the cells will be refreshed.
    See Also