Overview Sample Spread support both normal celltype and ajax celltype. Click to each sheet to view sample Cell TypeExample 1Label:Label 2Button:Click 3Image: Using ImageAlign to specify the image position relative to the text. 4Listbox: Red Green Blue 5Checkbox: 6RadioButton: RedGreenBlue 7Hyperlink:www.componentone.com 8Combobox:Red 9Integer:123Integer (Numberpad)123 10DateTime:1/5/2025 11Double:123.45Double (Numberpad)123.45 12Currency:$12,345.01Currency (Numberpad)$12,345.01 13Text:text 14RegExp:123-45-6789 15General:general cell 16Percent:69%Percent (Numberpad)69% 17MultiColumn: IDNameUniversity 0OwenNWPU 1WinnowXJTU 2VentureNWPU 3LuckyXDU MultiColumn (AutoFilter) IDNameUniversity 0OwenNWPU 1WinnowXJTU 2VentureNWPU 3LuckyXDU 4AAAHVU 5AABHVU 6ABCHVU 7aacNYU 8ccaNYU 9あいNYU 10アイTKO 11アイスTKO 12もあいTKO 18TagCloud: .net 2005 access ajax api asp.net bug c# constant css dhtml error excel framework outlook script sdk sharepoint sql unicode vb.net vista web webpart window 8 windows wmi workflow wpf xml Normal Ajax One of the most common problems of maintaining an accurate database is making sure that your users enter data in the proper format. Spread includes 18 cell types that help make it easier for your user to enter the data you are expecting. Have them click a checkbox for true or false values. Let them select items from a drop-down list. Have them enter only numeric or currency data. Use pre-defined string formats like phone numbers to simplify their data entry. These are just a few of the reasons you and your users will appreciate Spread. There are several cell types that are made available by using ASP.NET AJAX and are dependent on the extenders of the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. The appearance and behavior of these cell types are controlled by the AJAX Control Toolkit. For more information, see http://ajax.asp.net/ajaxtoolkit/. All controls in the AJAX Control Toolkit can add or attach client behaviors to a target control. The target control is exposed as the Editor property of the extender cell type in Spread. Multiple behaviors can be attached to the same target control, which is also supported in the AJAX extender implementation of Spread. For example, we can add a MaskedEditExtender to DateCalendarCellType. As a result, this cell type combines two extenders. Documentation