Document Solutions for Imaging
GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.Windows Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.Windows Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.Windows Namespace
ClassBase class for all encoder options.
ClassBase class for all bitmap transformations.
ClassEncoder options supported by the native BMP codec.
ClassProduces a clipped version of the bitmap for a specified rectangular region of interest.
ClassProduces a flipped (horizontal or vertical) and/or rotated (by 90 degree increments) bitmap. Rotations are done before the flip.
ClassCollects DirectWrite fonts for using in various GcDXGraphicss.
ClassRepresents a bitmap that uses the Direct2D system API. Can be used for fast and efficient rendering on Windows systems that support Direct2D.
ClassImplements a Direct2D drawing surface.

To create an instance of this class, use the GcD2DBitmap.CreateGraphics method.

ClassImplements a Direct2D drawing surface.
ClassRepresents a bitmap based on Windows Imaging Component.
ClassRepresents the bitmap palette for indexed pixel formats.
ClassImplements a Direct2D drawing surface.
ClassAllows reading images from a multipage TIFF file/stream.
ClassAllows creating a multipage TIFF file.
ClassEncoder options supported by the native GIF codec.
ClassEncoder options supported by the native JPEG codec.
ClassEncoder options supported by the native JPEG XR codec.
ClassEncoder options supported by the native PNG codec.
ClassRepresents a resized version of the input bitmap using a resampling or filtering algorithm.
ClassEncoder options supported by the native TIFF codec.
ClassRepresents a single frame in TIFF file.
StructureRepresents a color in 32bppBGRA format.
EnumerationSpecifies the image container format.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of dither algorithm to apply when converting between pixel formats.
EnumerationSpecifies the sampling or filtering mode to use when scaling an image.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of palette used for indexed pixel formats.
EnumerationDescribes the memory layout of each pixel in a bitmap.
EnumerationDescribes the PNG filters available for compression optimization.
EnumerationSpecifies the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) compression options.
EnumerationSpecifies the flip and rotation transforms.
See Also