The following table summarizes how Spread exports print settings to an Excel-formatted file. The properties listed in the table are in the PrintInfo class, unless otherwise noted. For more information, see the Assembly Reference.
FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintInfo | Excel Print Setting | Remarks |
Page | ||
Orientation | Orientation | |
ZoomFactor | Adjust to | |
UseSmartPrint | Fit to | |
SmartPrintPagesTall | Fit to | |
SmartPrintPagesWide | Fit to | |
FirstPageNumber | First page number | |
Margins | ||
Top (PrintMargin class) | Top | |
Left (PrintMargin class) | Left | |
Right (PrintMargin class) | Right | |
Bottom (PrintMargin class) | Bottom | |
Header (PrintMargin class) | Header | |
Footer (PrintMargin class) | Footer | |
Centering | Center on page | |
Header and Footer | ||
Header | Header | |
Footer | Footer | |
Different odd and even pages | This setting is not available in Spread. | |
Different first page | This setting is not available in Spread. | |
Scale with document | This setting is not available in Spread. | |
Align with page margins | This setting is not available in Spread. | |
Sheet | ||
RowStart, RowEnd, ColStart, and ColEnd | Print area | |
RepeatRowStart and RepeatRowEnd | Print titles: Rows to repeat at top | |
RepeatColStart and RepeatColEnd | Print titles: Column to repeat at left | |
ShowGrid | Print gridlines | |
ShowColor | Print black and white | |
Print draft quality | This setting is not available in Spread. | |
ShowColumnHeaders and ShowRowHeaders | Print column and row headings | |
PrintNotes | Print comments | |
Print cell errors | This setting is not available in Spread. | |
PrintPageOrder | Page order |
Paper Size
The following paper sizes are supported if a file is imported from an Excel-formatted file and then saved to an Excel-formatted file (Letter, Legal, Executive, A3, A4, B4, B5, Envelope #10, Envelope DL, Envelope C5, Envelope B5, and Envelope Monarch).
Printer Type
Information about the type of printer (such as name) is not imported.