IGeometry Interface Members
In This Topic
The following tables list the members exposed by IGeometry.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| FillMode | Gets the fill mode of this geometry. |
| Stroke | Gets or sets a value indicating whether draw the outline of this geometry. |
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
| ArcTo | Draws an arc with the specified parameters from the current pen position to the new point specified |
| Close | Ends the series of lines and curves in the creation path of a custom geometric shape. |
| CubicBezierTo | Draw a cubic Bezier curve along the specified points. |
| LineTo | Draws a line from the current position to the specified point. |
| MoveTo | Updates the current position to the specified point. |
| QuadraticBezierTo | Draw a quadratic Bezier curve along the specified points. |
See Also