- ''
- '' This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
- '' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- ''
- Imports System.IO
- Imports System.Drawing
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Word
- '' Shows how to create a document with multi-column layout.
- Public Class Columns
- Public Function CreateDocx() As GcWordDocument
- Dim Inch As Single = 72
- Dim doc = New GcWordDocument()
- Dim sec1 = doc.Body.Sections.First
- sec1.PageSetup.TextColumns.Add()
- Dim pars1 = sec1.GetRange().Paragraphs
- pars1.Add("Section 1, Paragraph 1: " + LoremIpsumPar())
- pars1.Add("Section 1, Paragraph 2: " + LoremIpsumPar())
- pars1.Add("Section 1, Paragraph 3: " + LoremIpsumPar())
- Dim sec2 = doc.Body.Paragraphs.Last.AddSectionBreak()
- sec2.PageSetup.Margin.Left = Inch / 2
- sec2.PageSetup.Margin.Right = Inch / 2
- sec2.PageSetup.Margin.Top = Inch / 2
- sec2.PageSetup.Margin.Bottom = Inch / 2
- '' For the 2nd section, change page orientation:
- sec2.PageSetup.Size.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape
- '' Add 3 manually laid out columns:
- '' - First is 2" wide
- '' - 2nd and 3rd equally sharing the remaining space
- Dim pw = sec2.PageSetup.ClientWidth
- Dim space = sec2.PageSetup.TextColumns(0).SpaceAfter
- Dim c0w = Inch * 2
- Dim cw = (pw - c0w - space * 2) / 2
- sec2.PageSetup.TextColumns(0).Width = Inch * 2
- sec2.PageSetup.TextColumns.Add(cw)
- sec2.PageSetup.TextColumns.Add(cw)
- Dim pars2 = sec2.GetRange().Paragraphs
- pars2.Add("Section 2, Paragraph 1 followed by a column break.")
- pars2.Last.GetRange().Runs.Last.GetRange().Texts.AddBreak(BreakType.Column)
- pars2.Add("Section 2, Paragraph 2: " + LoremIpsumPar())
- pars2.Add("Section 2, Paragraph 3: " + LoremIpsumPar())
- '' Done:
- Return doc
- End Function
- End Class