- ''
- '' This code is part of Document Solutions for PDF demos.
- '' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- ''
- Imports System.IO
- Imports System.Drawing
- Imports System.Numerics
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Text
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Annotations
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Actions
- Imports GCTEXT = GrapeCity.Documents.Text
- Imports GCDRAW = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing
- '' This sample loads all images found in a directory, then renders each image
- '' in the largest possible size on a separate page of the PDF.
- '' Finally it inserts a TOC of image thumbnails linked to the large images
- '' into the document.
- '' See also SlidePages.
- Public Class ImageLinks
- Private Class ImageInfo
- Public Property Name As String
- Public Property Image As IImage
- Public Property PageIdx As Integer
- End Class
- Function CreatePDF(ByVal stream As Stream) As Integer
- Dim doc = New GcPdfDocument()
- Dim fnt = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "segoeui.ttf"))
- '' 1/4" page margins all around:
- Const margin = 36.0F
- '' Load all images from the Resources/Images folder:
- Dim imageInfos As New List(Of ImageInfo)
- For Each fname In Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine("Resources", "Images"), "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
- imageInfos.Add(New ImageInfo() With {.Name = Path.GetFileName(fname), .Image = Util.ImageFromFile(fname)})
- Next
- imageInfos.Shuffle()
- '' Set up image alignment that would center images horizontally and align to top vertically:
- Dim ia = New ImageAlign(ImageAlignHorz.Center, ImageAlignVert.Top, True, True, True, False, False)
- '' Image rectangle for full-sized images - whole page:
- Dim rBig = New RectangleF(margin, margin, doc.PageSize.Width - margin * 2, doc.PageSize.Height - margin * 2)
- '' Render all images full-size, one image per page:
- For i = 0 To imageInfos.Count - 1
- Dim g = doc.NewPage().Graphics
- Dim ii = imageInfos(i)
- g.DrawImage(ii.Image, rBig, Nothing, ia)
- ii.PageIdx = i
- Next
- '' Insert page(s) with thumbnails into the beginning of the document as a 4x5 grid (see SlidePages):
- Const rows = 5
- Const cols = 4
- Dim gapx = 72.0F / 4, gapy = gapx
- Dim sWidth = (doc.PageSize.Width - margin * 2 + gapx) / cols
- Dim sHeight = (doc.PageSize.Height - margin * 2 + gapy) / rows
- If (sWidth > sHeight) Then
- gapx += sWidth - sHeight
- sWidth = sHeight
- Else
- gapy += sHeight - sWidth
- sHeight = sWidth
- End If
- Const sMargin = 72.0F / 6
- '' Center thumbnails vertically too:
- ia.AlignVert = ImageAlignVert.Center
- '' Text format for image captions:
- Dim tf = New TextFormat() With {.Font = fnt, .FontSize = sMargin * 0.65F}
- '' Insertion point:
- Dim ip = New PointF(margin, margin)
- Dim page = doc.Pages.Insert(0)
- For i = 0 To imageInfos.Count() - 1
- Dim ii = imageInfos(i)
- Dim rect = New RectangleF(ip, New SizeF(sWidth - gapx, sHeight - gapy))
- '' Add a link to the page where the full-sized image is (the page index
- '' will be updated when we know how many pages are in TOC, see below):
- page.Annotations.Add(New LinkAnnotation(rect, New DestinationFit(ii.PageIdx)))
- '' Draw thumbnail:
- Dim g = page.Graphics
- g.FillRectangle(rect, Color.LightGray)
- g.DrawRectangle(rect, Color.Black, 0.5F)
- rect.Inflate(-sMargin, -sMargin)
- Dim imageRect As RectangleF() = Nothing
- g.DrawImage(ii.Image, rect, Nothing, ia, imageRect)
- g.DrawRectangle(imageRect(0), Color.DarkGray, 1)
- '' Print image file name as caption in the bottom slide margin:
- g.DrawString(ii.Name, tf,
- New RectangleF(rect.X, rect.Bottom, rect.Width, sMargin),
- TextAlignment.Center, ParagraphAlignment.Near, False)
- ip.X += sWidth
- If (ip.X + sWidth > doc.PageSize.Width) Then
- ip.X = margin
- ip.Y += sHeight
- If (ip.Y + sHeight > doc.PageSize.Height) Then
- page = doc.Pages.Insert(doc.Pages.IndexOf(page) + 1)
- ip.Y = margin
- End If
- End If
- Next
- '' We now go through all TOC pages, updating page indices in links' destinations
- '' to account for the TOC pages inserted in the beginning of the document:
- Dim tocPages = doc.Pages.IndexOf(page) + 1
- For i = 0 To tocPages - 1
- For Each ann In doc.Pages(i).Annotations
- If TypeOf ann Is LinkAnnotation AndAlso TypeOf CType(ann, LinkAnnotation).Dest Is DestinationFit Then
- Dim link = DirectCast(ann, LinkAnnotation)
- Dim dest = DirectCast(CType(ann, LinkAnnotation).Dest, DestinationFit)
- link.Dest = New DestinationFit(dest.PageIndex.Value + tocPages)
- End If
- Next
- Next
- ''
- '' Done:
- doc.Save(stream)
- imageInfos.ForEach(Sub(ii_) ii_.Image.Dispose())
- Return doc.Pages.Count
- End Function
- End Class