- //
- // This code is part of Document Solutions for PDF demos.
- // Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- //
- using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Drawing;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Common;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Annotations;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.AcroForms;
- using GCTEXT = GrapeCity.Documents.Text;
- using GCDRAW = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing;
- namespace DsPdfWeb.Demos.OrderReturnForm
- {
- // Creates a "Goods return or exchange form" AcroForm with multiple input fields and a complex layout.
- public class GoodsReturnForm
- {
- // Page margins:
- const float MarginLeft = 32;
- const float MarginTop = 32;
- const float MarginRight = 32;
- const float MarginBottom = 32;
- //
- const float TableCaptionHeight = 20;
- readonly float TableSampleHeight = Textbox.Height;
- const float SmallTextVOff = -0.5f;
- // Section delimiting line:
- float CaptionLineThickness = 2.5f;
- // Struct to hold a text style:
- struct TextStyle
- {
- public GCTEXT.Font Font;
- public float FontSize;
- public Color ForeColor;
- public float GlyphAdvanceFactor;
- }
- // Various styles used throughout the form:
- static TextStyle TsTitle = new TextStyle()
- {
- Font = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "SitkaB.ttc")),
- FontSize = 30,
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0x3b, 0x5c, 0xaa),
- GlyphAdvanceFactor = 0.93f,
- };
- static TextStyle TsCaption = new TextStyle()
- {
- Font = TsTitle.Font,
- FontSize = 14,
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0x3b, 0x5c, 0xaa),
- GlyphAdvanceFactor = 0.93f,
- };
- static TextStyle TsBold = new TextStyle()
- {
- Font = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "arialbd.ttf")),
- FontSize = 9,
- ForeColor = Color.Black,
- GlyphAdvanceFactor = 1,
- };
- static TextStyle TsNormal = new TextStyle()
- {
- Font = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "arial.ttf")),
- FontSize = 8f,
- ForeColor = Color.Black,
- GlyphAdvanceFactor = 0.922f,
- };
- static TextStyle TsSmall = new TextStyle()
- {
- Font = TsNormal.Font,
- FontSize = 5,
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F),
- GlyphAdvanceFactor = 1.1f,
- };
- // Input field styles:
- struct Textbox
- {
- static public GCTEXT.Font Font = TsNormal.Font;
- static public float FontSize = 12;
- static public float Height;
- static public float BaselineOffset;
- static public float LabelSpacing = 2;
- }
- struct Checkbox
- {
- static public GCTEXT.Font Font = TsNormal.Font;
- static public float FontSize = TsNormal.FontSize - 2;
- static public float Height;
- static public float BaselineOffset;
- static public float LabelSpacing = 3;
- }
- // The document being created:
- private GcPdfDocument _doc;
- // Insertion point:
- private PointF _ip = new PointF(MarginLeft, MarginTop);
- // If non-null, DrawText use this to align text to last baseline:
- private float? _lastBaselineOffset = null;
- // Shortcuts to current values:
- private int CurrPageIdx => _doc.Pages.Count - 1;
- private Page CurrPage => _doc.Pages[CurrPageIdx];
- private GcGraphics CurrGraphics => CurrPage.Graphics;
- // Static ctor:
- static GoodsReturnForm()
- {
- // Init Textbox:
- GCTEXT.TextLayout tl = new GCTEXT.TextLayout(72);
- tl.Append("Qwerty");
- tl.DefaultFormat.Font = Textbox.Font;
- tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = Textbox.FontSize;
- tl.PerformLayout(true);
- Textbox.Height = tl.ContentHeight;
- Textbox.BaselineOffset = tl.Lines[0].GlyphRuns[0].BaselineOffset;
- // Init Checkbox:
- tl.Clear();
- tl.Append("Qwerty");
- tl.DefaultFormat.Font = Checkbox.Font;
- tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = Checkbox.FontSize;
- tl.PerformLayout(true);
- Checkbox.Height = tl.ContentHeight;
- Checkbox.BaselineOffset = tl.Lines[0].GlyphRuns[0].BaselineOffset;
- }
- // The main entry point:
- public int CreatePDF(Stream stream)
- {
- Acme();
- _doc.Save(stream);
- return _doc.Pages.Count;
- }
- // Sets or advances the insertion point vertically:
- private void SetY(float? abs, float? offset)
- {
- if (abs.HasValue)
- _ip.Y = abs.Value;
- if (offset.HasValue)
- _ip.Y += offset.Value;
- _lastBaselineOffset = null;
- }
- // Creates the PDF form:
- private void Acme()
- {
- _doc = new GcPdfDocument();
- _doc.NewPage();
- var pageWidth = CurrPage.Size.Width;
- // Main caption:
- SetY(null, -2);
- var cr = DrawText("ACME Inc.", TsTitle);
- SetY(null, _lastBaselineOffset - CaptionLineThickness / 2);
- DrawGreenLine(MarginLeft, cr.Left - CaptionLineThickness);
- DrawGreenLine(cr.Right + CaptionLineThickness, pageWidth - MarginRight);
- // 'return and exchange form':
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 10);
- cr = DrawText("Return and Exchange Form", TsCaption);
- SetY(null, CaptionLineThickness + 14);
- cr = DrawText("Please type in the appropriate information below, then print this form.", TsBold);
- _ip.X = pageWidth - 150;
- cr = DrawText("Have Any Questions?", TsBold);
- SetY(null, 10);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("(Or you may print the form and complete it by hand.)", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = pageWidth - 150;
- cr = DrawText("Please call us at 800-123-4567.", TsNormal);
- // Step 1 - line 1:
- SetY(null, 18);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Step 1", TsCaption);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 10;
- cr = DrawText("Original Order #", TsBold);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 4;
- cr = DrawText("(if available):", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + Textbox.LabelSpacing;
- cr = DrawTextbox(120);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 6;
- cr = DrawText("Estimated Order Date:", TsBold);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + Textbox.LabelSpacing;
- cr = DrawTextbox(pageWidth - MarginRight - _ip.X);
- SetY(null, 17);
- DrawGreenLine();
- // Step 1 - line 2:
- SetY(null, 10);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Originally Purchased by:", TsBold);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 20;
- cr = DrawCheckbox("Address Change");
- float col1right = pageWidth / 2 - 10;
- float col2left = col1right + 20;
- _ip.X = col2left;
- cr = DrawText("Send Refund or Exchange to:", TsBold);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 2;
- cr = DrawText("(If different from left)", TsNormal);
- // Step 1 - line 3:
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 10);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Name:", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + Textbox.LabelSpacing;
- cr = DrawTextbox(col1right - _ip.X);
- _ip.X = col2left;
- cr = DrawText("Name:", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + Textbox.LabelSpacing;
- cr = DrawTextbox(pageWidth - MarginRight - _ip.X);
- // Step 1 - line 4:
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 4 + 4);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Address:", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + Textbox.LabelSpacing;
- cr = DrawTextbox(col1right - _ip.X);
- _ip.X = col2left;
- cr = DrawText("Address:", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + Textbox.LabelSpacing;
- cr = DrawTextbox(pageWidth - MarginRight - _ip.X);
- // Step 1 - line 5:
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 4 + 0.5f);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawTextbox(col1right - _ip.X);
- _ip.X = col2left;
- cr = DrawTextbox(pageWidth - MarginRight - _ip.X);
- // Step 1 - line 6 (city state zip):
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 4 + 0.5f);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawTextbox(160);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 4;
- float oState = _ip.X - MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawTextbox(40);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 4;
- float oZip = _ip.X - MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawTextbox(col1right - _ip.X);
- //
- _ip.X = col2left;
- cr = DrawTextbox(160);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 4;
- cr = DrawTextbox(40);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 4;
- cr = DrawTextbox(pageWidth - MarginRight - _ip.X);
- // small text
- SetY(cr.Bottom, SmallTextVOff);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("(City)", TsSmall);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft + oState;
- cr = DrawText("(State)", TsSmall);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft + oZip;
- cr = DrawText("(Zip)", TsSmall);
- //
- _ip.X = col2left;
- cr = DrawText("(City)", TsSmall);
- _ip.X = col2left + oState;
- cr = DrawText("(State)", TsSmall);
- _ip.X = col2left + oZip;
- cr = DrawText("(Zip)", TsSmall);
- // Step 1 - line 7 (daytime):
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 4 - 0.5f);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Phone: (", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right;
- cr = DrawTextbox(30);
- _ip.X = cr.Right;
- cr = DrawText(")", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += 3;
- cr = DrawTextbox(80);
- float oDay = cr.Left - MarginLeft + 10;
- // (evening)
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 3;
- cr = DrawText("(", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right;
- cr = DrawTextbox(30);
- _ip.X = cr.Right;
- cr = DrawText(")", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += 3;
- cr = DrawTextbox(col1right - _ip.X);
- float oEve = cr.Left - MarginLeft + 10;
- //
- _ip.X = col2left;
- cr = DrawText("Phone: (", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right;
- cr = DrawTextbox(30);
- _ip.X = cr.Right;
- cr = DrawText(")", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += 3;
- cr = DrawTextbox(80);
- // (evening)
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 3;
- cr = DrawText("(", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right;
- cr = DrawTextbox(30);
- _ip.X = cr.Right;
- cr = DrawText(")", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += 3;
- cr = DrawTextbox(pageWidth - MarginRight - _ip.X);
- // small text
- SetY(cr.Bottom, SmallTextVOff);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft + oDay;
- cr = DrawText("(Daytime)", TsSmall);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft + oEve;
- cr = DrawText("(Evening)", TsSmall);
- _ip.X = col2left + oDay;
- cr = DrawText("(Daytime)", TsSmall);
- _ip.X = col2left + oEve;
- cr = DrawText("(Evening)", TsSmall);
- // Step 1 - email
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 4 - 0.5f);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Email Address:", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + Textbox.LabelSpacing;
- cr = DrawTextbox(col1right - _ip.X);
- _ip.X = col2left;
- cr = DrawText("Email Address:", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + Textbox.LabelSpacing;
- cr = DrawTextbox(pageWidth - MarginRight - _ip.X);
- // Options:
- SetY(null, 16);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Please select one of the following options:", TsBold);
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 2);
- cr = DrawCheckbox("Exchange for another item(s).");
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 2);
- cr = DrawCheckbox("Send me an ACME Gift Card for the amount of the refund.");
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 2);
- cr = DrawCheckbox("Reimburse my original method of payment. " +
- "(Gift recipients who select this option will receive a merchandise only gift card.)");
- // Step 2:
- SetY(null, 18);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Step 2–Returns", TsCaption);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 10;
- cr = DrawText("In the form below please indicate the item(s) you are returning, " +
- "including a reason code.", TsNormal);
- SetY(null, 17);
- DrawGreenLine();
- SetY(null, 10);
- cr = DrawReturnsTable();
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 10);
- cr = DrawReasonCodes();
- // Step 3:
- SetY(null, 25);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Step 3–Exchanges", TsCaption);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 10;
- SetY(null, -5);
- cr = DrawText(
- "For the fastest service, call Customer Service at 800-123-4567 to request a QuickExchange " +
- "or place a new order online or by phone. We'll ship your new item right away. " +
- "Note: If you use our QuickExchange option, you do not need to fill out Step 3.",
- TsNormal);
- SetY(null, 22);
- DrawGreenLine();
- SetY(null, 10);
- cr = DrawExchangesTable();
- // Step 4:
- SetY(null, 18);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Step 4", TsCaption);
- SetY(null, 17);
- DrawGreenLine();
- SetY(null, 10);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- float oCc = col2left - 30;
- cr = DrawText("Method of Payment:", TsBold);
- _ip.X = oCc;
- cr = DrawText("Credit Card Information:", TsBold);
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 2);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("If the total of your exchange or new order exceeds the value of your\r\n" +
- "return, please provide a method of payment. (Select one)", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = oCc;
- cr = DrawCheckbox("ACME® Visa®");
- float oCcOff = 90;
- _ip.X += oCcOff;
- cr = DrawCheckbox("MasterCard®");
- _ip.X += oCcOff;
- cr = DrawCheckbox("JCB Cardâ„¢");
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 2);
- _ip.X = oCc;
- cr = DrawCheckbox("VISA");
- _ip.X += oCcOff;
- cr = DrawCheckbox("American Express");
- _ip.X += oCcOff;
- cr = DrawCheckbox("Discover®/Novus® Cards");
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 4);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawCheckbox("Credit Card");
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 2);
- cr = DrawCheckbox("Check or Money Order enclosed");
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 2);
- cr = DrawCheckbox("Gift Card, Gift Certificate or ACME Visa coupon dollars.\r\n" +
- "Enter # below (for Gift Cards, please include PIN).");
- _ip.X = oCc;
- cr = DrawText("Card Number:", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + Textbox.LabelSpacing;
- cr = DrawTextbox(180);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 4;
- cr = DrawTextbox(pageWidth - MarginRight - _ip.X);
- // small text
- SetY(cr.Bottom, SmallTextVOff);
- _ip.X = cr.Left;
- cr = DrawText("Exp. Date (MM/YY)", TsSmall);
- SetY(cr.Bottom, 10);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft;
- cr = DrawText("Number:", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + Textbox.LabelSpacing;
- cr = DrawTextbox(140);
- float tbBottom = cr.Bottom;
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 4;
- cr = DrawTextbox(60);
- float oPin = cr.Left;
- _ip.X = oCc;
- cr = DrawText("Signature:", TsNormal);
- CurrGraphics.DrawLine(new PointF(cr.Right, cr.Bottom),
- new PointF(pageWidth - MarginRight, cr.Bottom), Color.Black, 0.5f);
- // small text
- SetY(tbBottom, SmallTextVOff);
- _ip.X = oPin;
- cr = DrawText("PIN", TsSmall);
- }
- private void DrawGreenLine(float? from = null, float? to = null)
- {
- var page = CurrPage;
- if (!from.HasValue)
- from = MarginLeft;
- if (!to.HasValue)
- to = page.Size.Width - MarginRight;
- var g = page.Graphics;
- var pen = new GCDRAW.Pen(TsTitle.ForeColor, CaptionLineThickness);
- g.DrawLine(new PointF(from.Value, _ip.Y), new PointF(to.Value, _ip.Y), pen);
- }
- private RectangleF DrawText(string text, TextStyle ts)
- {
- var page = CurrPage;
- GCTEXT.TextLayout tl = page.Graphics.CreateTextLayout();
- tl.MaxWidth = page.Size.Width - MarginRight - _ip.X;
- if (ts.FontSize == TsTitle.FontSize) // patch
- tl.TextAlignment = GCTEXT.TextAlignment.Center;
- tl.DefaultFormat.Font = ts.Font;
- tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = ts.FontSize;
- tl.DefaultFormat.GlyphAdvanceFactor = ts.GlyphAdvanceFactor;
- tl.DefaultFormat.ForeColor = ts.ForeColor;
- tl.Append(text);
- tl.PerformLayout(true);
- var line = tl.Lines[tl.Lines.Count - 1];
- var run = line.GlyphRuns[0];
- var baselineOffset = run.BaselineOffset;
- var p = _lastBaselineOffset.HasValue ?
- new PointF(_ip.X, _ip.Y + _lastBaselineOffset.Value - baselineOffset) : _ip;
- page.Graphics.DrawTextLayout(tl, p);
- if (!_lastBaselineOffset.HasValue)
- _lastBaselineOffset = baselineOffset; //#34 within one 'line', keep using the first offset
- return new RectangleF(_ip.X + tl.ContentX, _ip.Y + tl.ContentY, tl.ContentWidth, tl.ContentHeight);
- }
- private RectangleF DrawTextbox(float width, bool inTable = false)
- {
- var fld = new TextField();
- fld.Widget.Page = CurrPage;
- var p = _lastBaselineOffset.HasValue ?
- new PointF(_ip.X, _ip.Y + _lastBaselineOffset.Value - Textbox.BaselineOffset) : _ip;
- fld.Widget.Rect = new RectangleF(p.X, p.Y, width, Textbox.Height);
- if (inTable)
- fld.Widget.Border = null;
- else
- fld.Widget.Border.Style = BorderStyle.Underline;
- fld.Widget.DefaultAppearance.Font = Textbox.Font;
- fld.Widget.DefaultAppearance.FontSize = Textbox.FontSize;
- _doc.AcroForm.Fields.Add(fld);
- if (!_lastBaselineOffset.HasValue)
- _lastBaselineOffset = Textbox.BaselineOffset;
- return fld.Widget.Rect;
- }
- private RectangleF DrawCheckbox(string text)
- {
- var fld = new CheckBoxField();
- fld.Widget.Page = CurrPage;
- var p = _lastBaselineOffset.HasValue ?
- new PointF(_ip.X, _ip.Y + _lastBaselineOffset.Value - Checkbox.BaselineOffset) : _ip;
- fld.Widget.Rect = new RectangleF(p.X, p.Y, Checkbox.Height, Checkbox.Height);
- _doc.AcroForm.Fields.Add(fld);
- if (!_lastBaselineOffset.HasValue)
- _lastBaselineOffset = Checkbox.BaselineOffset;
- var pSave = _ip;
- _ip.X = fld.Widget.Rect.Right + Checkbox.LabelSpacing;
- var r = DrawText(text, TsNormal);
- _ip = pSave;
- return new RectangleF(fld.Widget.Rect.X, r.Y, r.Right - fld.Widget.Rect.Left, r.Height);
- }
- private RectangleF DrawReturnsTable()
- {
- float[] widths = new float[]
- {
- 55,
- 60,
- 60,
- 35,
- 35,
- 200,
- 50,
- 0
- };
- string[] captions = new string[]
- {
- "Reason Code",
- "Item #",
- "Color",
- "Size",
- "Quantity",
- "Item Name",
- "Pirce",
- "Total",
- };
- string[] samples = new string[]
- {
- "23",
- "KK123456",
- "Navy",
- "8",
- "1",
- "Example Item Only",
- "59.00",
- "59.00",
- };
- return DrawTable(widths, captions, samples, 4);
- }
- private RectangleF DrawExchangesTable()
- {
- // This table has two special extra titles spanning two tolumns.
- // To achieve this, we:
- // - force the column titles in those 4 columns to print as '2nd paragraph',
- // thus leaving an empty line for the span title;
- // - print the span titles here as a special case.
- float[] widths = new float[]
- {
- 50,
- 25,
- 25,
- 25,
- 25,
- 60,
- 150,
- 50,
- 40,
- 25,
- 35,
- 0
- };
- string[] captions = new string[]
- {
- "Item",
- "Style",
- "\r\n1st",
- "\r\n2nd",
- "Size",
- "Sleeve Length\r\n& Inseam",
- "Item Name",
- "\r\nCharacters",
- "\r\nStyle",
- "Qty.",
- "Price",
- "Total"
- };
- string[] samples = new string[]
- {
- "LH123456",
- "Plain",
- "Tan",
- "Olive",
- "8",
- "28",
- "Example Item Only",
- "Amanda",
- "Block",
- "1",
- "49.95",
- "49.95"
- };
- var cr = DrawTable(widths, captions, samples, 4);
- // print 2 spanning titles:
- var g = CurrGraphics;
- GCTEXT.TextLayout tl = g.CreateTextLayout();
- tl.ParagraphAlignment = GCTEXT.ParagraphAlignment.Near;
- tl.TextAlignment = GCTEXT.TextAlignment.Center;
- tl.DefaultFormat.Font = TsNormal.Font;
- tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = TsNormal.FontSize;
- tl.DefaultFormat.GlyphAdvanceFactor = TsNormal.GlyphAdvanceFactor;
- tl.DefaultFormat.ForeColor = Color.White;
- tl.WrapMode = GCTEXT.WrapMode.NoWrap;
- // Color Choice
- var width = widths[2] + widths[3];
- tl.MaxWidth = width;
- tl.Append("Color Choice");
- tl.PerformLayout(true);
- var pt = new PointF(cr.Left + widths[0] + widths[1], cr.Top);
- g.DrawTextLayout(tl, pt);
- var pen = new GCDRAW.Pen(Color.White, 0.5f);
- var pt1 = new PointF(pt.X + 0.5f, pt.Y + TableCaptionHeight / 2);
- var pt2 = new PointF(pt1.X + width, pt1.Y);
- g.DrawLine(pt1, pt2, pen);
- pt1 = new PointF(pt.X + widths[2] + 0.5f, pt.Y + TableCaptionHeight / 2);
- pt2 = new PointF(pt1.X, pt.Y + TableCaptionHeight);
- g.DrawLine(pt1, pt2, pen);
- pt1 = new PointF(pt.X + 0.5f, pt.Y);
- pt2 = new PointF(pt1.X, pt.Y + TableCaptionHeight);
- g.DrawLine(pt1, pt2, pen);
- pt1 = new PointF(pt.X + width + 0.5f, pt.Y);
- pt2 = new PointF(pt1.X, pt.Y + TableCaptionHeight);
- g.DrawLine(pt1, pt2, pen);
- // Monogramming
- width = widths[7] + widths[8];
- tl.Inlines.Clear();
- tl.MaxWidth = width;
- tl.Append("Monogramming");
- tl.PerformLayout(true);
- pt = new PointF(cr.Left + widths[0] + widths[1] + widths[2] + widths[3] + widths[4] + widths[5] + widths[6], cr.Top);
- g.DrawTextLayout(tl, pt);
- pt1 = new PointF(pt.X + 0.5f, pt.Y + TableCaptionHeight / 2);
- pt2 = new PointF(pt1.X + width, pt1.Y);
- g.DrawLine(pt1, pt2, pen);
- pt1 = new PointF(pt.X + widths[7] + 0.5f, pt.Y + TableCaptionHeight / 2);
- pt2 = new PointF(pt1.X, pt.Y + TableCaptionHeight);
- g.DrawLine(pt1, pt2, pen);
- pt1 = new PointF(pt.X + 0.5f, pt.Y);
- pt2 = new PointF(pt1.X, pt.Y + TableCaptionHeight);
- g.DrawLine(pt1, pt2, pen);
- pt1 = new PointF(pt.X + width + 0.5f, pt.Y);
- pt2 = new PointF(pt1.X, pt.Y + TableCaptionHeight);
- g.DrawLine(pt1, pt2, pen);
- return cr;
- }
- private RectangleF DrawTable(float[] widths, string[] captions, string[] samples, int rowCount)
- {
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(captions.Length == widths.Length && samples.Length == widths.Length);
- var ipSave = _ip;
- var p = new GCDRAW.Pen(Color.Black, 0.5f);
- var g = CurrGraphics;
- GCTEXT.TextLayout tl = g.CreateTextLayout();
- tl.ParagraphAlignment = GCTEXT.ParagraphAlignment.Center;
- tl.TextAlignment = GCTEXT.TextAlignment.Center;
- tl.DefaultFormat.Font = TsNormal.Font;
- tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = TsNormal.FontSize;
- tl.DefaultFormat.GlyphAdvanceFactor = TsNormal.GlyphAdvanceFactor;
- tl.DefaultFormat.ForeColor = Color.White;
- tl.WrapMode = GCTEXT.WrapMode.NoWrap;
- tl.MaxHeight = TableCaptionHeight;
- float totW = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < widths.Length; ++i)
- {
- if (i == widths.Length - 1)
- {
- widths[i] = CurrPage.Size.Width - MarginLeft - MarginRight - totW - 1;
- totW += 1;
- }
- totW += widths[i];
- }
- g.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(MarginLeft, _ip.Y, totW, TableCaptionHeight), Color.Black);
- var pt = new PointF(MarginLeft, _ip.Y);
- for (int i = 0; i < widths.Length; ++i)
- {
- tl.MaxWidth = widths[i];
- tl.Append(captions[i]);
- tl.PerformLayout(true);
- g.DrawTextLayout(tl, pt);
- pt.X = pt.X + widths[i];
- tl.Inlines.Clear();
- }
- tl.DefaultFormat.ForeColor = Color.Teal;
- tl.MaxHeight = TableSampleHeight;
- pt = new PointF(MarginLeft, _ip.Y + TableCaptionHeight);
- for (int i = 0; i < widths.Length; ++i)
- {
- tl.MaxWidth = widths[i];
- tl.Append(samples[i]);
- tl.PerformLayout(true);
- g.DrawTextLayout(tl, pt);
- pt.X = pt.X + widths[i];
- tl.Inlines.Clear();
- }
- SetY(_ip.Y + TableCaptionHeight + TableSampleHeight, 0.5f);
- for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row)
- {
- _ip.X = MarginLeft + 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < widths.Length; ++i)
- {
- var cr = DrawTextbox(widths[i] - 1, true);
- _ip.X = cr.Right + 1;
- }
- g.DrawLine(new PointF(MarginLeft, _ip.Y - 0.5f), new PointF(MarginLeft + totW, _ip.Y - 0.5f), p);
- SetY(null, Textbox.Height + 1);
- }
- var totH = TableCaptionHeight + TableSampleHeight + (Textbox.Height + 1) * rowCount;
- _ip.X = MarginLeft + 0.5f;
- for (int i = 0; i < widths.Length - 1; ++i)
- {
- _ip.X += widths[i];
- g.DrawLine(new PointF(_ip.X, ipSave.Y), new PointF(_ip.X, ipSave.Y + totH), p);
- }
- var rect = new RectangleF(MarginLeft, ipSave.Y, totW, totH);
- g.DrawRectangle(rect, p);
- return rect;
- }
- private RectangleF DrawReasonCodes()
- {
- float startX = 150;
- float capOff = 16;
- float colOff = 110;
- var ipSave = _ip;
- _ip.X = startX;
- var cr = DrawText("01", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Unsatisfactory", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = startX + colOff;
- cr = DrawText("33", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Did not like color", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = startX + colOff * 2;
- cr = DrawText("23", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Ordered wrong size", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = startX + colOff * 3;
- cr = DrawText("51", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Shipping damage", TsNormal);
- SetY(null, TsNormal.FontSize + 2);
- _ip.X = startX;
- cr = DrawText("02", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Defective construction", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = startX + colOff;
- cr = DrawText("21", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Too small", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = startX + colOff * 2;
- cr = DrawText("25", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Too short", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = startX + colOff * 3;
- cr = DrawText("52", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Wrong item shipped", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = MarginLeft + 10;
- cr = DrawText("Reason Codes", TsBold);
- float lineX = cr.Right + 20;
- SetY(null, TsNormal.FontSize + 2);
- _ip.X = startX;
- cr = DrawText("31", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Did not like styling", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = startX + colOff;
- cr = DrawText("22", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Too large", TsNormal);
- _ip.X = startX + colOff * 2;
- cr = DrawText("36", TsNormal);
- _ip.X += capOff;
- cr = DrawText("Too long", TsNormal);
- var rect = new RectangleF(MarginLeft, ipSave.Y, CurrPage.Size.Width, cr.Bottom - ipSave.Y);
- CurrGraphics.DrawLine(lineX, rect.Top, lineX, rect.Bottom, Color.Black, 0.5f);
- return rect;
- }
- }
- }