Document Solutions for Imaging
GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Svg Namespace / SvgDisplay Enumeration

In This Topic
    SvgDisplay Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies whether an element (and all its descendants) is a part of the rendering tree.
    Public Enum SvgDisplay 
       Inherits System.Enum
    public enum SvgDisplay : System.Enum 
    BlockCorresponds to the 'block' value.
    InheritCorresponds to the 'inherit' value.
    InlineCorresponds to the 'inline' value.
    InlineBlockCorresponds to the 'inline-block' value.
    InlineTableCorresponds to the 'inline-table' value.
    ListItemCorresponds to the 'list-item' value.
    NoneCauses an element to not appear in the formatting structure.
    TableCorresponds to the 'table' value.
    TableCaptionCorresponds to the 'table-caption' value.
    TableCellCorresponds to the 'table-cell' value.
    TableColumnCorresponds to the 'table-column' value.
    TableColumnGroupCorresponds to the 'table-column-group' value.
    TableFooterGroupCorresponds to the 'table-footer-group' value.
    TableHeaderGroupCorresponds to the 'table-header-group' value.
    TableRowCorresponds to the 'table-row' value.
    TableRowGroupCorresponds to the 'table-row-group' value.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also