Document Solutions for Imaging
GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Namespace / GcGifReader Class / GetCommentData Method
Index of the Comment Extension, from 0 to CommentCount - 1.

In This Topic
    GetCommentData Method
    In This Topic
    If the Comment Extension is present in the source GIF file this method returns the comment data as is, without decoding.
    Public Function GetCommentData( _
       Optional ByVal commentIndex As System.Integer _
    ) As System.Byte()
    public System.byte[] GetCommentData( commentIndex


    Index of the Comment Extension, from 0 to CommentCount - 1.

    Return Value

    Comment as a byte array or null if the source GIF file contains no Comment Extension with given index.
    See Also