- //
- // This code is part of Document Solutions for Imaging demos.
- // Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- //
- using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Numerics;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Text;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging;
- using GCTEXT = GrapeCity.Documents.Text;
- using GCDRAW = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing;
- namespace DsImagingWeb.Demos
- {
- // This sample demonstrates how to create a Glow effect using DsImaging.
- // The Glow effect inflates all non-transparent areas of an image by a specified amount,
- // then applies a Gaussian blur to make the border smooth. It is one of the effects
- // that are found in MS Word for example.
- //
- // To achieve this effect in DsImaging, the GrayscaleBitmap.ApplyGlow() method is used
- // on the transparency mask built from the color image on which we want the glow to appear,
- // along with a few other simple steps as illustrated by this code.
- //
- // This example shows how to achieve the glow effect without drawing the content
- // (text and image) twice. See Glow for an alternative way to achieve the same effect.
- public class GlowAlt
- {
- private GCTEXT.Font _font = GCTEXT.Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "calibri.ttf"));
- public GcBitmap GenerateImage(Size pixelSize, float dpi, bool opaque, string[] sampleParams = null)
- {
- // Draw text and logo on a transparent bitmap:
- using var bmpTemp = new GcBitmap(pixelSize.Width, pixelSize.Height, false);
- bmpTemp.Clear(Color.Transparent);
- var renderer = bmpTemp.EnsureRendererCreated();
- DrawText(renderer, pixelSize, dpi);
- DrawLogo(renderer, new PointF(pixelSize.Width / 2, (int)(pixelSize.Height * 0.8)), pixelSize.Width / 2);
- // Convert the image to a transparency mask:
- using var gs = bmpTemp.ToGrayscaleBitmap(ColorChannel.Alpha);
- // Apply the Glow effect to it; while for Soft Edges the inflation radius is negative,
- // for Glow it should be positive, 6 here (9 is the blur radius):
- gs.ApplyGlow(6, 9);
- // Map a shadow from the transparency mask to a new GcBitmap drawing opaque pixels
- // with glow color (Yellow) and applying some additional transparency:
- var bmp = gs.ToShadowBitmap(Color.Yellow, 0.8f);
- // Draw the text and logo over the glow.
- bmp.AlphaBlend(bmpTemp, 0, 0);
- // Fill the background:
- bmp.ConvertToOpaque(Color.Gray);
- // Done
- return bmp;
- }
- void DrawText(BitmapRenderer renderer, Size pixelSize, float dpi)
- {
- var f1 = new TextFormat
- {
- Font = _font,
- FontSize = pixelSize.Height / 6,
- ForeColor = Color.DarkOrchid,
- FontBold = true
- };
- var f2 = new TextFormat(f1)
- {
- ForeColor = Color.White,
- StrokePen = new GCDRAW.Pen(Color.DarkOrchid, 3)
- };
- var tl = new TextLayout(dpi)
- {
- MaxWidth = pixelSize.Width,
- MaxHeight = pixelSize.Height,
- ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Near,
- TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
- MarginTop = dpi * 2,
- LineSpacingScaleFactor = 0.7f,
- };
- tl.Append("Document", f1);
- tl.Append("Solutions", f2);
- // Draw the text:
- renderer.SlowAntialiasing = true;
- renderer.DrawTextLayout(tl, 0, 0);
- }
- void DrawLogo(BitmapRenderer renderer, PointF center, float width)
- {
- var pb = new PathBuilder();
- pb.BeginFigure(100, 350);
- pb.AddLine(210, 310);
- var arc = new ArcSegment
- {
- Size = new SizeF(183, 173),
- SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise,
- Point = new PointF(550, 205),
- };
- pb.AddArc(arc);
- pb.AddLine(650, 170);
- pb.AddLine(680, 250);
- pb.AddLine(575, 285);
- arc.Point = new PointF(240, 390);
- pb.AddArc(arc);
- pb.AddLine(130, 430);
- pb.EndFigure(true);
- pb.Figures.Add(new EllipticFigure(new RectangleF(295, 197, 200, 190)));
- var gpFill = pb.ToPath();
- var gpStroke = gpFill.Widen(new GCDRAW.Pen(Color.Black, 20));
- // Our 'base' size is 800 x 600 pixels:
- float scale = width / 800;
- renderer.Transform = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale) *
- Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(center.X - 400 * scale, center.Y - 300 * scale);
- renderer.FillPath(gpFill, Color.CornflowerBlue);
- renderer.FillPath(gpStroke, Color.DarkOrchid);
- renderer.Transform = Matrix3x2.Identity;
- }
- }
- }