// // This code is part of Document Solutions for Imaging demos . // Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. // using System ; using System . IO ; using System . Drawing ; using System . Collections . Generic ; using System . Linq ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Drawing ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Text ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Imaging ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Imaging . Skia ; using GrapeCity . Documents . Imaging . Windows ; using GCTEXT = GrapeCity . Documents . Text ; using GCDRAW = GrapeCity . Documents . Drawing ; namespace DsImagingWeb . Demos { // This example demonstrates the differences in fidelity between texts // rendered on bitmaps using the different DsImaging libraries: // - DsImaging (cross-platform, package GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging); // - DsImaging.Skia (cross-platform, package GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.Skia); // - DsImaging.Windows (Windows only, package GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.Windows). // Note that the results are rather noticeable here because the text is rendered // using a very small font, and then significantly enlarged when dawn on the // resulting image generated by the sample. In most real-life applications // the differences are very subtle if noticeable at all. public class GcLibsComparison { public GcBitmap GenerateImage ( Size pixelSize , float dpi , bool opaque , string [] sampleParams = null ) { const string text = "Skia is an open source 2D graphics library which provides common APIs that work across a variety of hardware and software platforms." ; int q = 4 ; int width = pixelSize . Width / q ; int height = pixelSize . Height / ( q * 3 ); int margin = 12 ; var tf = new TextFormat { Font = GCTEXT . Font . FromFile ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "Fonts" , "tahoma.ttf" )), FontSize = 10 }; string msg = $ "Text with font size {tf.FontSize} rendered using {{0}} and enlarged x{q}:" ; using var gcBmp = new GcBitmap ( width , height , false ); using ( var g = gcBmp . CreateGraphics ( Color . Transparent )) { var tl = g . CreateTextLayout (); tl . MaxWidth = width ; tl . MarginAll = margin ; tl . Append ( text , tf ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , PointF . Empty ); } using var gcSkiaBmp = new GcSkiaBitmap ( width , height , false ); using ( var g = gcSkiaBmp . CreateGraphics ( Color . Transparent )) { var tl = g . CreateTextLayout (); tl . MaxWidth = width ; tl . MarginAll = margin ; tl . Append ( text , tf ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , PointF . Empty ); } GcWicBitmap gcWicBmp = null ; if ( GcWicBitmap . IsSupported ) { gcWicBmp = new GcWicBitmap ( width , height , false ); using ( var g = gcWicBmp . CreateGraphics ( Color . Transparent )) { var tl = g . CreateTextLayout (); tl . MaxWidth = width ; tl . MarginAll = margin ; tl . Append ( text , tf ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , PointF . Empty ); } } var bmp = new GcBitmap ( pixelSize . Width , pixelSize . Height , opaque ); using ( var g = bmp . CreateGraphics ( Color . White )) { g . Renderer . InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode . NearestNeighbor ; var fs = 16 ; var dy = pixelSize . Height / 3 ; tf . FontSize = fs ; g . DrawString ( string . Format ( msg , "GcBitmapGraphics (cross-platform)" ), tf , new PointF ( margin / 3 , margin / 3 )); var rc = new RectangleF ( 0 , fs * 2 , width * q , height * q - fs * 2 ); rc . Inflate (- margin , - margin ); g . DrawImage ( gcBmp , rc , null , ImageAlign . StretchImage ); g . DrawRoundRect ( rc , margin , Color . MediumVioletRed ); g . DrawString ( string . Format ( msg , "GcSkiaGraphics (cross-platform)" ), tf , new PointF ( margin / 3 , dy + margin / 3 )); rc = new RectangleF ( 0 , fs * 2 + dy , width * q , height * q - fs * 2 ); rc . Inflate (- margin , - margin ); g . DrawImage ( gcSkiaBmp , rc , null , ImageAlign . StretchImage ); g . DrawRoundRect ( rc , margin , Color . MediumVioletRed ); g . DrawString ( string . Format ( msg , "GcWicBitmapGraphics (Windows-only)" ), tf , new PointF ( margin / 3 , dy * 2 + margin / 3 )); rc = new RectangleF ( 0 , fs * 2 + dy * 2 , width * q , height * q - fs * 2 ); rc . Inflate (- margin , - margin ); if ( gcWicBmp != null ) { g . DrawImage ( gcWicBmp , rc , null , ImageAlign . StretchImage ); } else { var tl = g . CreateTextLayout (); tl . MaxWidth = rc . Width ; tl . MarginAll = margin ; tl . DefaultFormat . Font = tf . Font ; tl . DefaultFormat . FontSize = 16 ; tl . DefaultFormat . ForeColor = Color . OrangeRed ; tl . AppendLine ( "Looks like this demo is not running on a Windows system, so WIC (GcWicBitmap, GcWicBitmapGraphics) " + "is not supported. To see how text rendered using GcWicBitmapGraphics looks, download this demo project " + "and run it on a Windows system." ); g . DrawTextLayout ( tl , rc . Location ); } g . DrawRoundRect ( rc , margin , Color . MediumVioletRed ); } if ( gcWicBmp != null ) gcWicBmp . Dispose (); return bmp ; } } }