ComponentOne DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight
C1.Silverlight.DataGrid Namespace / DataGridDefaultInputHandlingStrategy Class / GoToDownCell Method / GoToDownCell(DataGridCell,Boolean,Boolean) Method
The current cell.
if set to true act as if the shift key were pressed.
if set to true act as if the ctrl key were pressed.

In This Topic
    GoToDownCell(DataGridCell,Boolean,Boolean) Method
    In This Topic
    Goes to down cell.
    Public Overloads Overridable Function GoToDownCell( _
       ByVal currentCell As DataGridCell, _
       ByVal shift As Boolean, _
       ByVal ctrl As Boolean _
    ) As Boolean
    public virtual bool GoToDownCell( 
       DataGridCell currentCell,
       bool shift,
       bool ctrl


    The current cell.
    if set to true act as if the shift key were pressed.
    if set to true act as if the ctrl key were pressed.
    See Also