True DBGrid for WinForms has a rich object model with the following elements:
True DBGrid for WinForms provides a rich set of properties, methods, and events that enable you to develop sophisticated database applications. The organization imposed by True DBGrid's object model makes it easier to work with such a large feature set.
Objects and collections that refer to visual entities, such as columns, can be customized in the designer or in code. Objects and collections that refer to abstract entities, such as arrays and bookmarks, are only available in code.
Two controls are available in the .NET Toolbox for addition into a project:
Control | Description |
C1TrueDBGrid | True DBGrid for WinForms grid control. |
C1TrueDBDropDown | True DBGrid for WinForms drop-down box control. |
The namespace for True DBGrid for WinForms also contains definitions for the following objects:
Object | Description |
C1DataColumn | Represents a column of data within a grid. |
C1DisplayColumn | Represents a column of data relative to a split. |
GridLines | Represents the gridlines which separate items in the grid. |
HBar | Represents the horizontal scroll bar and its properties. |
PrintPreviewWinSettings | Encapsulates the print preview window and its properties. |
PrintInfo | Encapsulates page setup and print job settings. |
Split | Represents a group of adjacent columns that scroll as a unit. |
Style | Encapsulates font, color, picture, and formatting information. |
ValueItems | Encapsulates both the Values collection and ValueItem properties. |
ValueItem | Allowable column input values, with optional translation. |
VBar | Represents the vertical scroll bar and its properties. |
A collection is an object used to group similar data items, such as grid columns or styles. In general, a group of similar items in True DBGrid for WinForms is implemented as a collection. Since a collection is an object, it can be manipulated in code just like any other object. True DBGrid in WinForms exposes the following collections:
Collection | Description |
C1DataColumnCollection | Contains zero or more C1DataColumn objects in a grid. |
C1DisplayColumnCollection | Contains zero or more C1DisplayColumn objects in a grid. |
GroupedColumnCollection | Contains zero or more C1DataColumn objects in the grouping area. |
SelectedRowCollection | Contains zero or more selected row indexes. |
SelectedColumnCollection | Contains zero or more C1DataColumn objects that represent selected columns. |
SplitCollection | Contains one or more Split objects in a grid. |
GridStyleCollection | Contains built-in and user-defined Style objects for a grid. |
ValueItemCollection | Contains zero or more ValueItem objects for a column. |
The following sections provide a brief overview of True DBGrid for WinForm's objects and collections.