True DBGrid for WinForms includes several keyboard shortcuts that can improve users' run-time interaction experience.
In Grid View
By default, the user can navigate the grid with the arrow keys, the ENTER key, the TAB key, the Page Up and Page DOwn keys, and the HOME and END keys.
Key | Action |
Up/Down Arrows | These keys move the current cell to adjacent rows. |
Left/Right Arrows | If the AllowArrows property is True (the default), these keys move the current cell to adjacent columns. If the AllowArrows property is False, then these keys move focus from control to control and cannot be used to move between cells. |
ENTER | By default, the ENTERkey behaves in the same manner as the RIGHT ARROW key, by moving the current cell from left to right along the adjacent columns. The behavior for the ENTER key can be modified by using the DirectionAfterEnter property. When editing a cell, the ENTER key will save edits and then movie to the next cell. |
TAB | If the TabAction property is set to Control Navigation (the default), the TAB key moves focus to the next control on the form as determined by the tab order. If the TabAction property is set to ColumnNavigation or GridNavigation, the TAB key moves the current cell to the next column, while SHIFT+TAB moves to the previous column. The differences between column and grid navigation are discussed in the next section. |
PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN | These keys scroll the grid up or down an entire page at a time. Unlike the vertical scroll bar, thePAgE Up and PAgE DOWn keys change the current row by the number of visible rows in the grid's display. When paging up, the current row becomes the first row in the display area. When paging down, the current row becomes the last row in the display area, including the AddNew row. The current column does not change. |
HOME, END | These keys move the current cell to the first or last column. If necessary, the grid will scroll horizontally so that the current cell becomes visible. The current row does not change. If the current cell is being edited, HOME and END move the insertion point to the beginning or end of the cell's text. |
F2 | Switch between Edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and Navigation mode in a datasheet. When working in a form or report, press ESC to leave Navigation mode. |
F4 | This key shows or hides a combo box. |
ALT+DOWN ARROW | You can use this key combination to show a combo box, such as a C1TrueDBG |
ALT + LEFT ARROW | Collapses all open child grids. |
ALT+RIGHT ARROW | Expands a child grid. |
DELETE | The DELETE button deletes the row. In edit mode, the DELETE key deletes the selected contents of a cell, deleting content to the right of the cursor. |
SPACE BAR | The SPACE BAR key initiates button clicks and check box and radio button selection and de-selection. |
CTRL+C | This key combination copies the selected content to the Clipboard |
CTRL+V | This key combination pastes the contents of the Clipboard to the selected location. |
CTRL+X | This key combination cuts the selected content and copies it to the Clipboard |
BACKSPACE, CTRL+H | In Edit mode you can use the BACKSPACE key or the CTRL+H key combination to delete content from a cell, deleting content to the left of the cursor. |
TAB | The TAB key ends cell editing mode, saving any content changes and leaving the current cell selected. |
INSERT | In cell editing mode, the INSERT key changes the way text is entered in a cell. When the INSERT key is active, inputted text overwrites existing content. |
CTRL+UP/DOWN ARROW | These key combinations allow you to navigate in a list box. The CTRL+UP ARROW key combination allows you to navigate up to the previous item in a list box. The CTRL+DOWN ARROW lets you navigate down to the next item. |