ComponentOne True DBGrid for WinForms
Customizing the Grid's Appearance / Highlighting the Current Row or Cell
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    Highlighting the Current Row or Cell
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    The term marquee refers to the highlighted area that represents the current grid cell or row. The MarqueeStyle property can be set to several possible presentations, all enumerations of the MarqueeEnum object, illustrated as follows.

    The color of the highlight is your system's highlight color. The floating editor style simulates the look and feel of the Microsoft Access datasheet. The blinking text cursor indicates that the cell is edit-ready, hence the name floating editor for this marquee style. Since no other marquee style places the cell in a similar edit-ready mode, the behavior of the grid with the floating editor is sometimes different from the other marquee styles. The following list summarizes the differences when the MarqueeStyle property is set to MarqueeEnum.FloatingEditor:

    1. The following properties are ignored by the floating editor: EditDropDown and EditorStyle.
    2. When using the AddCellStyle and AddRegexCellStyle methods with the floating editor, the grid ignores the current cell bit (CellStyleFlag.CurrentCell) and highlighted row bit (CellStyleFlag.MarqueeRow) of the Conditionparameter. For more details, see Applying Styles to Cells.
    3. The floating editor will not be displayed in a cell with radio buttons or a picture, as described in Automatic Data Translation with ValueItems. A dotted cell marquee will be used instead. The floating editor highlight will return when the current cell is changed to one with normal text display.
    4. The CycleOnClick property (applies to ValueItemCollection) has no effect when the MarqueeStyle property is set to MarqueeEnum.FloatingEditor.
    5. The DoubleClick event of the C1TrueDBGrid control does not fire when the user double-clicks a non-current cell within the grid. This is because the first click is used by the floating editor to begin editing, placing the cell into edit mode at the character on which the click occurred. Double-clicking the current cell of the grid fires the DoubleClick event normally, however.
    See Also