TouchToolKit for WinForms | ComponentOne
Zoom Panel / Adding C1ZoomPanel to WinForms Explorer Sample
In This Topic
    Adding C1ZoomPanel to WinForms Explorer Sample
    In This Topic

    To use the ZoomPanel to make both TreeView and ListView zoom-able in an Explorer Form, complete the following:

    Open the ControlExplorer sample.

    Create a new Windows Forms Application in Visual Basic.

    1. Open the Visual Basic WinForms ControlExplorer sample located in Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms\ControlExplorer.
    2. Select Add New Item from the Project menu in Visual Studio.

    adding explorerform

    3.        Click on the Project menu and select WindowsApplication 1 Properties.

    4.        Select Explorer1 from the Start-up form dropdown menu .

    property setting window


    5.        Add C1ZoomPanel from the Toolbox to Explorer1.

    add c1zoom panel

    6.        From the View menu click View| Other windows| Document Outline to show the Document Outline window.

    7.        Select C1ZoomPanel1 on the Document Outline window, then move it to a place between ToolStripContainer.ContentPanel and SplitContainer.

    move the zoom panel

    8.        Drag SplitContainer to move on the C1ZoomPanel1.

    drag split container to move the zoom panel

    9.        Select C1ZoomPanel1 on the Document Outline window, then click C1ZoomPanel’s smart tag to open C1ZoomPanel’s Tasks menu and select Dock to Parent.

    dock the zoom panel

    10.     Run the project. Make sure both TreeView and ListView can be zoomed by touch.

    The following features are also available in the Zoom component.