TouchToolKit for WinForms | ComponentOne
Touch Event Provider / Detecting Gesture
In This Topic
    Detecting Gesture
    In This Topic

    The following steps indicate how to detect gestures, rotation, and scale and transition.

    1.        Add a Label control to the Form(Label1) and set the following properties:

    ·         AutoSize = False

    ·         BackColor = Color.Cyan

    ·         Size = Size(300, 300)

    2.        Add a C1TouchEventProvider to the Form. (C1TouchEventProvider1)

    3.        Select Label1 and set the "EnableTouchEvents of C1TouchEventProvider1" property to True in the Property Window.

    4.        Select the C1TouchEventProvider1, and add the following code to its ManipulationDelta event.



    using C1.Win.TouchToolKit;


    private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


        label1.AutoSize = false;

        label1.BackColor = Color.Cyan;

        label1.Size = new Size(300, 300);

        c1TouchEventProvider1.SetEnableTouchEvents(label1, true);

        c1TouchEventProvider1.ManipulationDelta += c1TouchEventProvider1_ManipulationDelta;



    private void c1TouchEventProvider1_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaEventArgs e)


        if (e.TargetControl == this.label1)


           label1.Text = string.Format("Scale:{0}\r\nRotation:{1}\r\nTranslation:{2}", e.Delta.Scale, e.Delta.Rotation, e.Delta.Translation);




    [Visual Basic]

    Imports C1.Win.TouchToolKit


    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        Label1.AutoSize = False

        Label1.BackColor = Color.Cyan

        Label1.Size = New Size(300, 300)

        C1TouchEventProvider1.SetEnableTouchEvents(Label1, True)

    End Sub


    Private Sub C1TouchEventProvider1_ManipulationDelta(sender As System.Object, e As ManipulationDeltaEventArgs) Handles C1TouchEventProvider1.ManipulationDelta

        If e.TargetControl Is Label1 Then

            Label1.Text = String.Format("Scale:{0}\r\nRotation:{1}\r\nTranslation:{2}", e.Delta.Scale, e.Delta.Rotation, e.Delta.Translation)

        End If

    End Sub


    5.        Run the project, and operate Rotation or Scale multi-touch actions on the Label1.


    You can use C1TouchEventProvider.ManipulationMode property to detect specific gestures. To detect only rotation gesture, use the following code.



    c1TouchEventProvider1.ManipulationMode = C1.Win.TouchToolKit.ManipulationModes.Rotate;


    [Visual Basic]

    C1TouchEventProvider1.ManipulationMode = C1.Win.TouchToolKit.ManipulationModes.Rotate


    To detect multiple gesture, use the following code.



    using C1.Win.TouchToolKit;


    c1TouchEventProvider1.ManipulationMode = ManipulationModes.Rotate | ManipulationModes.Scale;


    [Visual Basic]

    Imports C1.Win.TouchToolKit


    C1TouchEventProvider1.ManipulationMode = ManipulationModes.Rotate Or ManipulationModes.Scale