What's New in ComponentOne Ultimate: v1 2017!
It's March 15, and that means it's time for GrapeCity Developer Solutions' first major release of 2017!
Watch the video to get the highlights:
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ComponentOne Studio sim-ships with Visual Studio 2017
Not only were we pleased to livestream Visual Studio 2017's launch party on our site, but, as usual, all ComponentOne Studio controls work seamlessly with Visual Studio 2017. We've been studying the latest release for months, and have some blogs you'll want to read before diving in with the latest and greatest version of the best IDE available. Senior developer John Juback cuts the Visual Studio birthday cake Read more about the changes in Visual Studio 2017.
InputPanel for XAML Launches
InputPanel, a popular WinForms control that acts like a complete data-entry form, is now available in WPF and UWP. InputPanel manages the design, layout, appearance, and behavior of multiple input components. Read more.
Data Visualization Updates
New Chart Types and Features in FlexChart for WinForms, UWP, WPF, and MVC
Excel chart types
Two new Excel chart types, Box-and-Whisker Plot and ErrorBar, have been added to FlexChart for Windows platforms. Error bars are a graphical representation of the variability of data and are used on graphs to indicate the error, or uncertainty, in a reported measurement, and box-and-whisker graphically depict groups of numerical data through their quartiles mean, median and outliers.
Box-and-Whisker chart
Error Bar chart
Chart Features
- Axis binding provide support for creating custom axis labels.
- Sunburst chart now displays the percentage share of each slice (with respect to the whole chart or parent) as data labels.
- Multiple plot areas now allow you to add multiple series and areas on a single chart without data overlapping, thereby increasing the readability of the chart. WPF | WinForms | UWP
New Features in FinancialChart for WinForms, UWP, and WPF
- MACD indicator series: The Moving Average Convergence Divergence indicator is a trend-following momentum indicator revealing change in the strength, direction, duration, and momentum of price of an asset. It helps users spot short-term price momentum. WPF | WinForms | UWP
- Stochastic indicator series: The Stochastic Oscillator Indicator foreshadows price turning points. It follows momentum of a price, and can be used to anticipate future reversals by identifying overbought and oversold levels. WPF | WinForms | UWP
- Bollinger Bands overlay series: Bollinger volatility bands display upper and lower limits of price movements. As volatility is based on standard deviation of prices, these bands widen when the volatility increases and narrow when it decreases. Bollinger bands are immensely helpful in providing a relative definition of high and low price. WPF | WinForms | UWP.
- Envelopes overlay series: These moving average envelopes are percentage-based envelopes set above and below a standard moving average. The moving average could be simple or exponential moving average. WPF | WinForms | UWP
- Fibonacci tool: The Fibonacci tool enables the calculation and plotting of various alert levels useful in financial charts, such as up-trends and down-trends. We've added retracements, timezones, fans, and arcs, which visually depict Fibonacci trends in horizontal lines, vertical lines, diagonal lines, and arcs, respectively. WPF | WinForms | UWP
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) feature in Financial Chart
GanttView for WPF Launches
GanttView for WPF is a project management control designed to efficiently create, schedule, execute and complete projects. The GanttView control is derived from gantt charts, which are one of the oldest and most effective tools for project scheduling and management. Read more. GanttView for WPF
InputPanel Launches
FlexChart updates
FinancialChart updates
CalendarView (beta): A New Way to Look at Calendars
CalendarView is a new feature-rich calendar control with improved performance that allows the user to select a date or range of dates. The control can display as one month or several months, and provide quick navigation through months and years. Top features include:
- Selected dates
- Bolded dates
- Disabled Dates
- Annually bolded dates
- WeekNumbers
Dimensions in CalendarView Read more about CalendarView.
TreeView custom nodes
You can now customize TreeView nodes using the CustomContentPresenter property of Column. The CustomContentPresenter allows granular control over style and formatting of node content. Define your own presentation of each node using a combination of objects such as images and text. Read more. TreeView Custom Nodes Users will also now be able to export TrueDBGrid C1Excel.
FlexChart updates
FinancialChart updates
InputPanel Launches
FlexChart updates
FinancialChart updates
MultiRow Data Grid Control Launches
Reduce scrolling in wide grids and spreadsheets with MultiRow, a cutting-edge control that allows you to wrap columns into a single view. MultiRow includes all the features of FlexGrid with the added benefit of a more compact view. MultiRow is also available in Wijmo Enterprise. Read more about MultiRow. Pagination in MultiRow
FlexViewer Mobile, a Responsive MVC Report Viewer
We're also pleased to release FlexViewer mobile, a responsive version of our web report viewer. Read more about FlexViewer Mobile.
FlexGrid column footer
Easily add custom footers to columns using the new columnFooter in FlexGrid. Also available in Wijmo. Read more about ColumnFooter. FlexGrid column footers
MVC OLAP Launches
Process and aggregate thousands of rows in seconds with the new MVC OLAP control. OLAP provides asynchronous processing that improves the performance of the controls, as multiple processes can occur simultaneously on separate threads. Try the demo. OLAP uses the following components to do online analytical processing.
- Pivot Panel: The PivotPanel represents as the core component of OLAP, as it provides a user interface for interactively representing the regular data tables into PivotTable, PivotGrid and PivotChart. You can simply provide a database to the PivotPanel, and represent the data in a PivotTable that provides custom views summarizing the data according to your requirements.
- Pivot Grid: The PivotGrid is an extension to an already existing FlexGrid class that helps users to create PivotTables and use the FlexGrid features in your OLAP control. There are many different features of FlexGrid that can be utilized in MVC OLAP such as, automatic data binding, grouped row and columns, resizing columns, filtering data and showing details for each cell in the grid.
- Pivot Chart: The PivotChart component is an extension to FlexChart class that helps the user to automatically bind data to PivotPanel object, automatic tooltips, chart type selection, and palette selection. You can export these charts to different file formats such as PNG and JPEG, and you can customize the chart styles and interactivity according to your requirements.
- Pivot Engine - The data engine is a a low-footprint C# component that can be easily integrated in your OLAP applications. The engine stores data in memory-mapped files, which are retrieved instantly without any delay in importing these files. The Pivot Engine does not put any restriction on the size of the dataset that you wish to analyze or display, and that too without compromising the performance.
FlexChart updates
- ASP.NET MVC will also include scaffolding for new charts in FlexChart.
- Box-and-whisker plot
- ErrorBar chart
The DataEngine component of Web API is now out of beta. DataEngine provides a suite of APIs that allow the user to analyze the data from multiple data sources, including SQL Server, other SQL based RDMS servers, NoSQL service, web service, structured files from file/network systems, and more. The aggregating data can be consumed by other controls or application. Note: Web API Edition is available only with ComponentOne Studio and Ultimate. Because the DataEngine Web API uses a column-oriented data model—recently used with great success in many open source and commercial analytical databases and libraries—it can reach high performance: up to hundreds of millions records in a fraction of a second. As the aggregating data is fetched from the Web API, the client is simple, and it only sends the corresponding query to the server with some format to fetch the data. Get Started with the DataEngine Web API
Complete Release Histories
Wijmo TreeView
Display hierarchical lists in Wijmo's new TreeView, which includes checkboxes, icons, drag and drop support and more. Wijmo TreeView
Server-side support for OLAP
Add speed and power to your big-data web apps when you aggregate and process data for your web-based pivot tables and charts on the server-side with Wijmo's new server-side OLAP control.
PDFViewer (Beta) Available
Render PDFs and send an SVG to the client for display in the viewer. Wijmo JavaScript PDFViewer
MultiAutoComplete is a unique control that blends multiple selection with auto-completion, hence the name. This type of control is often used for aggregate lists like “tags” in a blog, for example. We have added MultiAutoComplete to our input module. Wijmo's multi-auto-complete control
FlexChart Gradients
FlexChart now has support for applying gradient colors to plot elements. Gradients can be either radial or linear and support multiple colors as well as opacity. Add some style to your charts with our new gradient support. Gradients in JavaScript Chart
Learn more about Wijmo JavaScript controls
Coming in April: ComponentOne Xamarin Enterprise Beta Available for Free Trial
In order to ensure our customers get the fastest, most flexible controls available, Xuni's native mobile development team has directed its focus to developing the best Xamarin controls on the market. This new architecture adds UWP support, provides support for Xamarin’s visual designers, and brings up to twice the performance of the previous version of Xuni. By the end of summer of 2017, these controls will be rebranded as ComponentOne Xamarin Enterprise, and available for purchase as a native mobile suite or with Ultimate. The newly restructured controls still have all the speed, flexibility, and easy-to-read API of the existing charts, grids, and gauges, but they've been rebuilt to focus specifically on Xamarin. These restructured controls will have some new features as well, like the addition of pull-to-refresh and zooming to FlexGrid. The new ComponentOne Xamarin Enterprise will be available as a beta for download at v1: customers can download the controls and try them out, and we encourage feedback. The complete new product will be launch in summer of 2017. Included in the beta are FlexGrid, the fastest, most feature-rich grid available for native mobile apps; input, gauges, CollectionView, and calendar. FlexChart will be available by v1.5 in May. Xuni's iOS and Android Editions will be sunsetted with the launch of ComponentOne Xamarin Enterprise. Read more about ComponentOne Xamarin Enterprise.
Get ComponentOne Ultimate and access to .NET, JavaScript, and Xamarin controls
- If you're already a C1Studio subscriber, be sure to update your version with C1Live.
- If you own an older edition, but haven't re-subscribed, log in to your account and purchase a new subscription.
- If you're evaluating C1Studio, create an account to get the latest news and gain access to our global community of users. Then download a free trial and experience the difference yourself!
See What's New in 2016 3.5, released January 2017